Theatrical Lighting Design Interactive Logo

E-mail Cards brought to you by
Theatrical Lighting Design Interactive
and Alaska's Best

Alaska's Best Logo

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Modified December 14, 2000.

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These thumbnails are 50% size of the actual graphics.
Champaign Bottle
Bad Break
Bad break.
Champaign Great Show
Champaign Happy Opening
Champaign Break A Leg
Extra! Smash Hit Opens!
Have a Great Show!
Happy Opening!
Break A Leg!
Smash Hit Opens!
Shutter in here
No, shutter in here
Adjustable End Wrench
If all the world's a Stage, I want better lighting
Male Lighting Designer
Female Lighting Designer
"C" Wrench
If all the world's a stage...
In the beginning God said 'Let there be light'
Ask not for whom the bell tolls...  It tolls for thee!
Singing Records
Lighting Quote
Ask not for whom the curtain calls for thee!
Great Singers
Spotlighted Dancer Dude
Director's Chair
Ballet Dancer
Director's Chair
Stage Manager Buried in Work
Scenic Painter
Scenic Painter 2
Drafting the night away
Stage Manager
Scenic Artist
Get it painted!
Roll of film
Film in the can!
Take 1
In the movies
In The Can
Movie time!

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visitors as of September 3, 1999