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Kade Mendelowitz
Lighting Designer
PO Box 81522
Fairbanks, AK .....99708

Singin' in the Rain
March, 2004
Kade Mendelowitz: Lighitng Designer, "Rain Wagon / effect" designer.
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Read an article I wrote concerning Managing Rain Effects on Stage which appears in the Winter Edition of TD&T (Theatrical Design & Technology) - PDF file, 247k

"Lively and Kade Mendelowitz, Theatre UAF associate professor, do an outstanding job as the show's set designers; some sets are drop-dead gorgeous and remarkebly authentic to the era. The scene changes are virtually seamless. 'Dead air' between scenes often hampers elaborate productions, but this was not the case with "Singin' in the Rain." Mendelowitz and his student team even manage to create an amazing puddle-stompin' rain set for the show's title number."

Reviewer Scott McCrea for the Fairbanks Daily News-Miner

"Don't miss "Singin' in the Rain." The show, a co-production of the Fairbanks Light Opera Theatre and Theatre UAF, is strong from start to finish. The costumes, music, lighting and dancing are wonderful.
The set in which is actually 'rains' on the stage is an outstanding piece of stagecraft."

Columnist Dermot Cole for the Fairbanks Daily News-Miner

Read the entire review

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